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2019_11 Minnie Tunnacliffe, Windermere Hotel, McCarthy, Barbour, Poett, Robinson, Norring2019_08 Frank Stockdale, Charles Law, Aylmer, Scottish – Willams, Dobbie, Scott, Newton, Laird, Frater2019_05 Tracie Williams, Shelagh Dehart, Levi Toby, Windermere Hospital Aid2019_02 Ray Crook, Joy Bond, Bob Chisholm, Ken Liddell, Leo Richer2018_11 Maud and Basil Hamilton, Bank of Montreal, Godlien, Wilmer, St Andrew’s Night2018_08 Walter Stoddart, Peterborough, Toby Benches – Marples, Ice House2018_05 Kate (Neufeld, Wieler) Boyd, 1908 history, “talkie” 1934, Horsethief Ranch, Houlgrave2018_02 Henny Pye, train, Legassi, Johnston, Athalmer2017_11 Ethel Thornton Tunnacliffe, Edgell, Munson, Kimpton Christmas2017_08 Gerald and May Cuthbert, Stewart, recreation, Maville2017_05 Katharine Walker, highways, CD Ellis, Harry Sykes, McKay2017_02 Howard, Ethel Cleland, Lincoln car, Dr. Williams, 1912 Ede2016_11 Hope, Nellie Brewer, Chariot Race, Edgewater2016_08 Walter, Melrose Hawke, Just-a-mere, Lake Maye, Forestry, Thompson, Merc2016_05 Dorothy Cameron, Mt Sally Serena, 1912, Wilmer Bonspiel, Young, Cameron2016_02 Lucy Lim Man You, Athalmer Meat, Chinese, McNeill, Wilson, Thorold, Smith2015_11 Vreni Zehnder, Wells, horsethief, Billy McNeill, Ted Egge2015_08 Margaret Foreman, Morigeau, mulligan, horse meat, Cleland, Bruce2015_05 Norm Marples, Brewer, 1913, Charles Law, Earl Grey, lake groyne, Tegart2015_02 Cyril S Ratcliffe, Galbraith, Athalmer Bridge, CP, Canal Flat, Race Course2014_11 Tegart / Kohorst, Wills Wagon, Turnor, Invermere Community Hall2014_08 William McKay, Memorial Fort, Nita Gordon, Munn Lake, Pope, Crook2014_05 Troyer – Rose Cottage, Kenward, Bower Edgewater Dairy2014_02 Jessie and Tom Lewis, Ling Cod, Mackill, Thornton2014_11 Rennenkampff, 1932 Fall Fair, Richardson, Blakley, Tegart trapline2013_08 Rad, steamboat stamp, Buster Tegart, Findlay Ck mines2013_05 Howell, Thunderhill, Mackenzie flowers, Old Ed Johnston incident2013_02 Vigne, Ron Ede, Charlie Mackey, Poett, Chinook Bob2012_11 Louis Joseph, Rose Michel memories, 1943, 1932 Invermere, bear mauling2012_08 Trachsel, 1922 week, Hamilton memories, Ward Ranch2012_05 J L Mckay, McCroskie Meat, Joseph Young, Richardson memories2012_02 Svendsen, St Andrew’s Society, Jim Tegart, Rosie Kinbasket2011_11 Sophia Sam (Nicholas), John Jaeggi, Paridise Mine, Engler, Home Children2011_08 Nixon, Ptarmigan Mine, doll house, Walker, climbing 1922, Craig2011_05 Cobb, Assiniboine cabin, Richardson, Tegart, news 1944, Kimm2011_02 Pietrosky, Blakley Hotel, Hamilton Diary 1915, Invermere 19242010_11 Alex Richie, fish science, mystery skeletons, Lagrandeurs, Wehrlis2010_08 Samuel Brewer, Kinsmen Club, Shuswap cemetery, and burials2010_05 Annie McKay, Pack Trips, Frederick Law, Indian News, Amy Peters2010_02 Christ Church Anglican, Catherine Sam, Jim Johnston, Mitchell Ranch2009_11 Ashworth, F. B. Young, Dapper Ede. Kootenay National Park2009_08 Statham, Windermere Cemetery, Bob Pritchard, Lillian Graham2009_05 Bartman, Sam Brewer, Cornwall, The Benches, Stores2009_02 Dehart, Carl Bloom, 1945 News, Jim Pitts2008_11 Hecher, Athalmer, 1929 Christmas Concert, Experimental Farm 2008_08 May Starke, Wilmer Waterworks, RHS Lodge, John McLeod 2008_05 Neil Gainey, Armstrong Ck, Irrigation, Windermere School2008_02 Futa, Ray Crook, 1883 Mail, Nita Gordon2007_11 Lake, Swansea Mnt, Morigeau, Invermere Hotel, Caledonian Society2007_08 Carlson, Fred Weeden, Musical / Literary Assoc, minks, Bert Beamish2007_05 Powle, 1926 Murder, Lalley, Bavin, Paddy Ryan2007_02 Taynton, Mabel Barbour, Canal Flats Business 1889, mantle lamps2006_11 Seymour, pictographs, McGuiness, Farmers Institute, Houlgrave2006_08 Peters, Wilmer, Orchestra 1941, Merc, Edgel, Adami, Stoddart2006_05 Ronacher, William McKay, Royal Antler, Little Antler, musicians2006_02 Tegart, Bodecker, 1945 news, 1960 drama, Morigeau2005_11 Thornton, 1943 news, Swiss families, Westlake Ranch, Geary2005_08 Cooper, Elkhorn, Bramell, Windermere Stage, Indian News, Gaddes2005_05 Harry Bone, 1881 fun, 1912 bonspiel, summer homes, 1902 mayor2005_02 Kamikawaji, weather 1899, horse racing 1904, Holland2004_11 Williamson, John Burman, CPR handcar, Harry Bone2004_08 Kimpton, First court 1916, Mt Swansea. Lost Lemmon 1927, Warren2004_05 Coy, Jokers 18902, Mt Swansea Lookout, Invermere Hardware2004_02 Madeline Turnor, Fall Fair 1956, Cameron, Nixon2003_11 Barbour, Christmas 1930, flood 1955, lonely grave, Mineral King Mine2003_08 Frater, banking, skeletons 1911, West Firlands, Wilmer 19132003_05 Blakley, time capsule, Windermere Hostel, Danes, Joe Jimmy, Tin House2003_02 Cartwright, baseball 1964, Pitts Store, drama, midwifery poem2002_11 Thompson, Sinclair School, Dehart Shuswap Christmas, Fall Fair parade2002_08 Ellis, Elliott, Invermere school, Windermere Cemetery, Bonham, Goldie Ck2002_05 Broadfoot, music teachers, Morigeau, Brewer, movies2002_02 Starbird, cameras, Bavin, Mitchell, Blakley’s Bungalows, Merrill2001_11 Abel, Galena Church, Shangrila, Hart, Thompson2001_08 Tunnacliffe, Invermere, place names, Wilmer Hospital2001_05 Rauch, Edgewater airport, Curtis, Dehart2001_02 Dobbie, Ogilvy-Wills, Spillimacheen, platinum2000_11 The Station, Wing Lee Store2000_08 Lake Windermere Camp, Fall Fair, creek names2000_05 Lockwood, Log House Inn, Quartet, hockey, De Crispigny2000_02 McKay, Forester, Hamilton1999_11 Wilmer, Starke, Sternwheeler Nowitka, Windermere Hotel1999_08 Hurst, Watkins, pioneers1999_05 Steamboats, Richardson, Starbird, settlers1999_02 Edgewater, Curtis, Leeds, Golden bar1998_11 Bodecker, Piper, Canal Flats, schools1998_08 Stoddart, Spencer, Wilson, gypsum, Swiss1998_05 Mining, McMurdo, McRae, Delphine, Sykes1998_02 Tegart, Wood, Finlay, Morigeau, Sproat1997_11 Cameron, Johnston, Kimpton, Brewer1997_08 Kootenai Brown, Kinbasket, Tuck, brands, Brady1997_05 HBC, Stewart, blankets, Pritchard, Johnston, Kinbasket, Cameron1997_02 Scottish Families and History1997_01 Hamilton, Bruce, King, Neville1996_11 Kain, Mallendaine, Athalmer swing bridge1996_08 Stage Ride Golden-Ft Steele, McNeill, Morigeau, Ta Ta Ck, Pritchard1996_05 Invermere Hotel, Agnellus, Shuswap, Churchill1996_04 Richardson, Windermere, Bavin1996_02 Elephants, Nicholas, Munn, Bodecker, Thornton1996_01 Tatley, Isadore, Trachsel1995_10 Windermere District Board of Trade, Pitts Store1995_04 Galbraith, Local Cemetery, Windermere, Edgewater, Galena, Columbia Lk Band, Shuswap Ind
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