Please come to see the 2021 Heritage Building Display and other changes at the museum!
A Place of Memories
Hello everyone. Our curator, JD, and summer youth employees, Greydon and Hannah hope you’ll visit the museum this summer. Thank you to Greydon for this fun video!
The summer theme at the museum is “Capturing History Through the Camera Lens” with a display of many devices which made use of photographic film.
You will see many devices which make use of photographic film; from an Edison Projecting Kinetoscope (1897-1900), a finely made 4×5 inch folding field camera, to a microfilm camera and reader used in libraries and other institutions. to keep a lot of printed material without taking up much room. While these are of particular interest, there are numerous other cameras and projectors for both still photos and movies.
We also have a wonderful display about our local movie theatre (now closed), the Toby Theatre.
Here are a few interesting shots of women’s fashion in a 1927 Simpson’s catalogue.
The summer 2018 program has been changed from past years. Instead of running every Tuesday morning, the program will now run Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for 4 weeks of summer.
As always, early registration is advised because as in the past, there are a limited number of spaces. Mark your calendars for July 11th and 12th, 18th and 19th, and August 1st and 2nd and 8th and 9th.
Here is a link to the 2018 brochure for more details.
August 2017
All the buildings (we have 10!) at the museum have had their spring clean and we are celebrating with our Summer Open House. This message is from our president to members (and anyone interested in becoming a member!)
Hi Members
The 2018 Summer Open House at the Museum, will be held on Saturday, June 23, at 2pm. There will be Music by The Second Winds, new displays to be seen as the Summer Theme is Fashion, and refreshments.
The guest Speaker will be Andy Stuart-Hill from the Rotarians. It is thirty years since the Rotarians set up the Canadian Provincial Flags on the Museum Grounds.
Hope to see you there.
Here are some photos from the 2017 Summer Open House
Museum Hours have changed. As of June 4th, the Museum opens daily
Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Summer Opening Tea is June 23, 2:00 pm.
After all the seasonal cleaning, raking and planting, the museum is ready for summer visitors. Please come to the tea where our guest speaker will talk about the Rotarians 30th Anniversary of Flags.
Our most recent display follows our summer theme of “ Fashions”.
Music entertainment by “Second Winds.”
Student Summer Job **UPDATE** We have now hired a summer student! Thank you all for sharing.
Just two of the many hard-working volunteers wiping dust and cobwebs in our 2017 spring cleaning!
A few years ago, regular contributor Alex Weller got curious about the old Windermere Cemetery. Located on the banks of Lake Windermere, the Cemetery was closed to new burials in 1954 except for families with plots already purchased. Graves were being dug in supposedly unused ground that wasn’t so unused after all. Burial records were incomplete, and no one quite knew who all was buried in the cemetery or where they were all located. Continue reading “Windermere Cemetery, New Publication”
Our website was hosted by Microsoft Office 365 and written by volunteers using their Office 365 software. Unfortunately, Microsoft has stopped providing that service in their subscription software service.
“On March 9, 2015, Microsoft made changes to the SharePoint Online Public Websites feature by removing the ability to create a public website after the changeover date of March 9, 2015. Customers who used this feature before March 9, 2015, were provided continued access to the feature for a minimum of two years.”
So we are switching to our new provider (GoDaddy) and new software (Managed WordPress). There is a steep learning curve so we will continue to improve the website as our skills grow. Many new websites have a “blog” feature and we will use it to provide more frequent updates than we did in our old, static, website.
Thanks for your patience!